Health & Safety Policy


Is a friendly club the management of which is vested in a Council who will not tolerate acts of violence, drunkenness, abuse or threatening behaviour on its premises, whether directed at the staff or not. In all instances, we will seek the intervention of the police and subsequent court action if appropriate.
We reserve the right to refuse further access to the club by any individual for whom the above action becomes necessary, whether subsequently convicted in a court of law or not.



In the event of minor accidents, first aid boxes are located behind the clubhouse bar, in the Professional shop and in the green keeper workshop.
A defibrillator is situated in the clubhouse on the first floor of the male locker rooms together with a fold up stretcher.


Mobile Phones must be switched to vibrate in and around the clubhouse and on the course.
Their use is not permitted on the course except to summon help in the case of an accident / emergency.
Call the clubhouse on 01457-832126 or the Emergency Services on 999 (Postal code for the club is SK15 3PY)


All accidents and near misses must be reported to the club Secretary or Professional for entry into the Accident Book at the earliest opportunity.


Stamford Golf Club regards good Health and Safety practice as a vital part of its business. It is, therefore our policy to develop a positive Health and Safety culture that contributes to the successful performance of the club by doing all that is reasonably practicable to attain the highest levels of Health and Safety by operating our business in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

This also places a duty of care on the golf club to protect the safety of its employees, non-employees, member golfers / visitors, together with members of the public who may be affected by work activities on the golf course.

You are advised to exercise caution at all times on the course in respect of identifying areas where you may be at potential risk of being struck by another golfer’s ball.

It is a requirement that all Members / Visitors mark their ball making it identifiable in the event of a ball strike.

Stamford Golf Club has many public rights of way sharing our land. Please remember that USERS OF THE PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY HAVE PRIORITY AT ALL TIMES.

Members / Visitors MUST NOT strike a golf ball when there is a potential risk of endangering other players, members of the Green Staff and all other users of the golf course and its surroundings.

If a misdirected shot is heading towards other persons, you MUST shout “FORE” in a loud, clear and concise voice to alert them of possible danger. If “FORE” is heard when playing evasive action MUST be taken to avoid being struck.

Particular care should be taken on holes where the landing area of your shot is not clearly visible and areas where parallel fairways are played in opposing directions.

A Golf Course Risk Assessment has been carried out on a hole-by-hole basis. To help minimise the risks from the hazards that have been identified it is your responsibility as a member golfer / visitor or spectator on the course to ensure that you adhere strictly to the below mentioned list of risks identified as requiring extra caution, and the people at risk:

Particular care should be taken on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th & 17th holes:-

2th Hole: Tee shot over the brow and beyond the trees to the right – Every effort should be made by Members / Visitors to ensure players have cleared the 2nd fairway following their second shot and also those playing up the 17th fairway.

4th Hole: Tee shot – Members / Visitors playing their tee shots over the brow of the hill leading to the fairway. Care should be taken for golfers and members of the public. Right of way should be given to users of the Public right of way across the fairway.

6th Hole: Tee shot – Members / Visitors having right over play on those playing the 10th green. Care should be taken for those golfers walking from the 11th tee box down the fairway from their right. Every effort should be made by players having played a misplaced shot to the right of the 6th fairway leading onto Huddersfield Road. It is Important that any player hitting a ball over the boundary of the golf club from this tee or fairway is required – by rule, to investigate where the ball has gone and whether it has caused damage to any property of a member of public. It is unacceptable to ignore it.

7th Hole: Tee shot – Members / Visitors playing their tee shots over the brow and down the fairway should wait for the bell to sound. This is to indicate that the players in front are clear of the fairway. Care to be taken for misplaced shots from the 9th fairway.

9th Hole: Fairway shot – Members / Visitors should exercise caution when walking up the fairway towards the green for misplaced shots coming from the 7th tee. Ensure the 9th green is clear prior to playing your shot.

10th Green: Putting – Members / Visitors are reminded that golfers on the 6th tee have right of play over those on the 10th green and should therefore stand clear of the line of play.

11th Hole: Tee shot – Members / Visitors playing down the fairway must be aware of misplaced shots down the left side leading directly towards the car park, practise area clubhouse and professionals shop.

12th Hole: Tee shot – Members / Visitors playing their tee shots down the fairway should take care due to the possible presence of golfers stood waiting on the 13th tee together with those using the pathway down the right side of the 12th beyond the tree line. This pathway MUST be used as an alternative to walking up the fairway.

13th Hole: Tee shot - Members / Visitors out of sight on both the 13th and 17th fairways due to the undulating fairway and tree line separating both fairways together with golfers waiting on the 12th tee to the right side. Care should be taken when playing towards the 13th green for golfers walking across the fairway towards the 16th green.

14th Hole: Fairway shot – Members / Visitors must ensure the 16th tee to their left is clear prior to continuing along the fairway. Caution should be taken at all times for misplaced shots coming from the 13th fairway. Also ensure the 14th green is clear prior to playing fairway shots over the summit of the hill.

15th Hole: Tee shot – All golfers on the 15th green must stand well clear to the rear of the green if sighting golf balls played from the 15th tee and do so at their own risk.

16th Hole: Tee / Fairway shot – Members / Visitors should exercise caution from the tee for golfers walking / playing down the 13th fairway and up the 14th fairway. Tee shots should not be played unless the bell is sounded.

17th Hole: Tee / Fairway shot – Members / Visitors must be cautious when playing a shot from the tee for golfers to the right hand side of the fairway playing their 2nd shot towards the 2nd green, view is limited along the tree line.


Stamford Golf Club endeavours to fill in holes created by small animals. However it is inevitable such holes will be prevalent throughout the course, these can lead to sprained ankles or worse.


A notice board will be situated near to the Practise area advising Members / Visitors of days that chemicals have been used to treat the course. Players are advised to take heed of the warnings and protect themselves. Do not lick golf balls or fingers.


Stamford Golf Club requires all Members / Visitors to wear golf shoes with sufficient studs / spikes at all times when playing golf on the course as they help with avoiding slips.


Greens staff regularly work throughout the course when golf is in progress. Please be careful and courteous towards them and ensure that they are aware of and have acknowledged your presence prior to playing in their proximity.


Members / Visitors to Stamford Golf Club are advised to take out adequate 3rd party insurance to provide cover for liability at law for damages payable in respect of
• Death or bodily injury.
• Loss of damage to material property.


Members / Visitors are requested not to attempt to retrieve golf balls from the pond locations. These include to the right of the 11th fairway and inside the hazard to the right hand side of the 16th green and left hand side of the 17th tee box. These ponds pose a serious risk of drowning due to depth of water.


Misplaced golf shots played over the fence to the right side of the 4th fairway onto Crowswood Drive or beyond the tree line along the right side of the 6th fairway onto Huddersfield Road, or into the neighbouring properties must report this to the club Secretary or Professional.
Members / Visitors MUST investigate such misplaced shots to ensure personal injury or damage has not been caused.
Members / Visitors are strongly advised not to attempt to retrieve misplaced golf balls that are played onto the cattle enclosure to the lower section of the 7th fairway due to uneven ground.


This is strictly limited to the Designated Practice Area of the Club.
To ensure the safety of all users of the practice area, as well as other golfers and members of the public, a sensible approach to the facility must be adopted at all times to minimise and risk of ball strikes.


Stamford Golf Course has many steep banks, slopes and paths throughout. Members / Visitors MUST take care at all times when walking up or down these, particularly in wet conditions and when using golf trolleys to minimise potential risk of falling.


Members / Visitors should exercise caution when entering and leaving bunkers due to possible unsound footing, steps MUST be used if present.


There are wooden sleeper steps throughout the course leading to and from tee boxes and some bunkers. Members / Visitors MUST use the steps on the course and exercise caution, particularly in wet or icy conditions;


Players should be aware that there is a potential threat from wildlife such as wasps, bees and other biting insects on the course, adequate protection should be used to avoid bites and stings.


Situated next to the green keepers workshop leading from the 18th is a compressor for use of cleaning shoes and golf equipment. This SHOULD NOT be used without the appropriate eye protection to guard against flying objects.



During inclement weather conditions, the fact that the course has not been officially closed does not necessarily mean it is fit for play. Members / Visitors should themselves determine whether they consider it safe to play and do so at their own risk.
Members / Visitors have a duty of care to behave in such a way that does not injure themselves or others by their actions.


It is the players own responsibility to discontinue play when, in
his/her opinion, a danger from lightning exists. In the event that a Member / Visitor is out on the golf course when lightning is about then the following safety considerations are advised:


To assist with Stamford Golf Clubs Health and Safety review process all Members / Visitors are kindly requested to bring to the attention of the course Secretary or Professional any near miss incidents that happen on the golf course, or hazards they feel have not been addressed.

Policy Author: Mike Hewitt
Position: H & S Council Member

Person Ratifying Policy: Mark Smith
Position: Director of Golf

Course Status
Currently open
10.09.2024 06:08
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Course Open.
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